Appearances By: None
Mentioned: Hardcore Timmay

Not-So-Secret Admirer
Subtly Is An Art… Learn It

Not to use an worn-out cliché, but: men, can’t live with them, can’t rip off their dicks and shove them… in their ears. Okay, maybe not so worn-out considering I just made it up right now.

The men in my life - whether I wanted them there or not - are getting on my nerves. Darkstar is blind to how I feel, sometimes… but I refuse to try and change him. His previous girlfriend, Villana, had changed him so much, that Demonica and I were shunned to her basement apartment. The wood began to be ripped from the windows and Darkstar stopped wearing his blue and back makeup. She left… and everything was back to normal. Well… as normal as things could be in the mansion.

My brothers: on my nerves. I was the shrink for the lot of them and being the youngest one of the bunch, I apparently had no issues. Pfft.

All four of them had their own little dilemmas to tend to, but they always blew things way out of proportion. Michel, the oldest of us, was having issues at University… which I understand… except for the fact that it’s his own fault. He’s a party boy, and can never resist one. Gabriel, the youngest brother, and his girlfriend were having troubles… they couldn’t decide where to live. ‘Scuse me while I roll my eyes. Cináed, the second oldest, had decided to come out of the closet to the entire family… and mother was not pleased. Which really made no sense because she was always preaching about people being themselves and whatnot. And Quentin, well… Quentin wasn’t a problem. He was always the one that listened to me. He was my comfort doll.

And then there were men that I didn’t want there. IE. Hardcore Timmay. Sure, were a mindless bimbo that had air in her head and silicon in her tits, I might go for him. But unfortunately, I do possess intelligence a tad higher than normal and I’m all real, baby. Besides, no matter how much ‘Dracula’ rubbed me the wrong way, I’d still fallen hard for him. Timmay was just… on the outside, I suppose. Besides, I also find that men who gloat about both dick size and how many women they’ve laid, are insecure about their dick size and usually are tiny as all fuck.

Now that I think about it… I’d have to say that Timmay was the worst part of my life right now. He’s an arrogant, lying fuckwit that’s like a fifteen year old boy in sexual education class. And it bugs the living fuck out of me. His little quips about me getting on top of him on Sunday night, but not in the ring, are irritatingly retarded. Whether a man gets laid a lot or not, should have no consequence to other women. See, there’s a difference between me and the Barbie dolls he’s probably fucked… I have scruples, though it may not always seem so.

Then there’s the mystery of my ‘guardian angel’: T.M. who may not even be male at all. For all I know, they could be a cross-dressing hermaphrodite… or a female… if you want to do it the easy way. I guess I’ll just have to deal. Sigh…
